Induction ceremony for AST’s January-June 2017 term

Addison Singles Toastmasters inducts its newest officers for the January through June 2017 term during its January 4th meeting. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

Without a doubt, these officers have been chosen by its club members to be leaders not only for the club itself but also for Toastmasters in general.

These individuals will bring the club to new heights by contributing their expertise in their chosen positions. They will coordinate, teach, and train future leaders in public speaking and communications.

Please congratulate Frank Barnes, Tatiana Casagrande de Mira, George Chung, Queenie Chung, and John Gerst.

Leadership training starts with YOU when you take that first step just like these officers did at the start of their journey with Toastmasters. Don’t let shyness or fear hold you back from reaching your potential.

Communication will always be the key to success. But it all starts with YOU.

Addison Singles Toastmasters meets every Wednesday night at la Madeleine Country French Cafe

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