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Another AST club officer and member to perform her 10th speech and get her CC status

It looks like Addison Singles Toastmasters is churning out successful champions in 2017. It was not too long ago that our VP of Education completed her 10th speech, and her success has now paved a way for the next person. As of this month, Queenie Wen (, graduated with her 10th speech and became the 2nd club member and officer this year to reach Competent Communicator status. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

Toastmasters members take action to brand themselves

On or about September, 2016, a club officer, Sherry (not her real name), at the time invited me to run for Vice President of Public Relations at Addison Singles Toastmasters because she knew of my expertise and familiarity with internet marketing, something that we needed for our club to attract more members. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

At first, I hesitated and thought I could not possibly be a club officer if I’m new to the club since I didn’t have the membership longevity as some of the other members. I didn’t think it would be fair to them since I’ve been a member for only 2 short months.

Happy Lunar New Year to all my friends at Addison Singles Toastmasters!!

Today, January 28, 2017 is translated to January 1 of the year 4715 on the lunar calendar.

This year is the year of the rooster. Therefore, let us all plan our post-Toasties celebration for some chicken friend steak or KFC. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

I felt that “Lunar New Year” is more appropriate for us in lieu of Chinese New Year since not all our Toastmasters members are
(a) of one ethnic background,
(b) of the Buddhist faith including myself
(c) but ARE a part of a spider web that captures a diversity cultures.

Welcome Steve Yang!

Let’s all welcome Professor Steve Yang to our Addison Singles Toastmasters club. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

Dr. Yang is a former college professor who taught Physics and Electrical Engineering classes at Rice University and University of Houston. He currently works as the Senior Vice President of Operations at Doosan HF Controls in Carrollton, TX.

We are happy to have him as a new member.

Addison Singles Toastmasters meets every Wednesday night at la Madeleine Country French Cafe

Toastmasters club officer to reach her 10th speech and achieve Competent Communicator status

What are your goals in 2017? Do you want to get a job promotion but can

5 things not to say to an Asian prior to joining Toastmasters

This year’s Chinese New Year starts on January 28, 2017 which translates to the lunar year 4715. Next Saturday, most of the Asian community especially the Buddhist Asians will celebrate the year of the rooster. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

Dallas/Fort Worth happens to be a patch quilt of ethnic diversity that encompasses one of the largest Asian populations in the metroplex, the Vietnamese population. At Addison Singles Toastmasters, several of our Vietnamese and other Asian members who celebrate this holiday are proud of their heritage.

Martin Luther Kings Leadership Lessons for Toastmasters members

Martin Luther King Jr Day is more than just a day where we enjoy a day off. For many Generation Xers and beyond, we know Martin Luther King Jr as the

Induction ceremony for AST’s January-June 2017 term

Addison Singles Toastmasters inducts its newest officers for the January through June 2017 term during its January 4th meeting. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

Without a doubt, these officers have been chosen by its club members to be leaders not only for the club itself but also for Toastmasters in general.

These individuals will bring the club to new heights by contributing their expertise in their chosen positions. They will coordinate, teach, and train future leaders in public speaking and communications.

Please congratulate Frank Barnes, Tatiana Casagrande de Mira, George Chung, Queenie Chung, and John Gerst.

Netizens Online Toastmasters–The first-ever internet-based public speaking group

Who said Toastmasters has to take place at a live venue in a meeting room inside a hotel or restaurant? #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

Netizens Online Toastmasters is an officially recognized group by Toastmasters International. They are the first online Toastmasters club (#5357724) that started as a pilot program in 2012 and subsequently became fully chartered on March 25, 2016. With their 1-year anniversary fast approaching, they already sport 25+ members.

Winning Table Topics at another TM club in Dallas

Addison Singles Toastmaster member wins Table Topics section at another club

Good leaders don’t sit back and wait for things to happen. Good leaders make things happen. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

After being a “toastie” for 5 months, I took it upon myself to visit a neighboring Toastmasters club in Carrollton simply because their club is located in an Asian shopping center that I frequent.

My second visit there in two weeks only reminded me that a leader develops good networking and speaking skills that shouldn’t be done in only one place.

An entire truckload of plastic bags carried over 100 different wrapped Christmas gifts for people attending Addison Singles Toastmasters this week. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

Founding member, Glenda Smith, gave to her heart’s content this holiday season as she hosted another successful grab bag party for our members and guests.

No other Toastmasters group has ever done anything this cool. It was every person for himself/herself….all in good fun.

We thank Glenda for her generosity and kind heart and look forward to another grab bag party with her in the future.

Did you know that people’s number one fear is public speaking? Given the choice, most people would prefer death than to give a speech. #AST9872 #AddisonSinglesToastmasters

If you have been thinking about that other alternative to death, then come check out Addison Singles Toastmasters (Club #9872).

At Addison Singles Toastmasters (AST), you will be in a group that will help promote your skills as a public speaker.

There is NO high pressure to join nor any coercion to give a speech right away upon joining. All we do is foster a great atmosphere for learning.

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Marco Abanico

Organo Gold distributor

73921 Martin Luther King Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75210
Phone: 513-442-0239
Internet marketing training:
Organo Gold:

Marco Abanico is an internet network marketer who teaches other network marketers how to be successful in his business using the power of the internet. Call or write to get a FREE coffee sample mailed to you.

We are having a 23-day event at the annual State Fair of Texas from September 26 through October 19, 2014 in Dallas, Texas.

Marco Abanico

Future Global Vision Distributor

550 Maxey Rd
Houston, Texas 77013-9998
Phone: 513-442-0239
Internet marketing training:
Future Global Vision (ID# 1604):
Se habla espanol.

Marco Abanico is an internet network marketer who teaches other network marketers how to be successful in his business using the power of the internet. He is one of the company’s top distributors of the EF-TABS fuel enhancer tablets. Click the link to buy the tablets.

Marco Abanico

Future Global Vision Distributor

9721 Arboretum Blvd
Austin, Texas 78759-6316
Phone: 513-442-0239
Internet marketing training:
Future Global Vision (ID# 1604):
Se habla espanol.

Marco Abanico is an internet network marketer who teaches other network marketers how to be successful in his business using the power of the internet. He is one of the company’s top distributors of the EF-TABS fuel enhancer tablets. Click the link to buy the tablets.

Marco Abanico

Future Global Vision Distributor

7411 Barlite Blvd
San Antonio, Texas 78224-1302
Phone: 513-442-0239
Internet marketing training:
Future Global Vision (ID# 1604):
Se habla espanol.

Marco Abanico is an internet network marketer who teaches other network marketers how to be successful in his business using the power of the internet. He is one of the company’s top distributors of the EF-TABS fuel enhancer tablets. Click the link to buy the tablets.

Marco Abanico

Future Global Vision Distributor

100 W Houston St; Ste 100
San Antonio, Texas 78205-1400
Phone: 513-442-0239
Internet marketing training:
Future Global Vision (ID# 1604):
Se habla espanol.

Marco Abanico is an internet network marketer who teaches other network marketers how to be successful in his business using the power of the internet. He is one of the company’s top distributors of the EF-TABS fuel enhancer tablets. Click the link to buy the tablets.

Marco Abanico

Future Global Vision Distributor

9721 Arboretum Blvd
Austin, Texas 78759-6316
Phone: 513-442-0239
Internet marketing training:
Future Global Vision (ID# 1604):
Se habla espanol.

Marco Abanico is an internet network marketer who teaches other network marketers how to be successful in his business using the power of the internet. He is one of the company’s top distributors of the EF-TABS fuel enhancer tablets. Click the link to buy the tablets.

Marco Abanico

Future Global Vision Distributor

8624 Ferguson Rd
Dallas, Texas 75228-5121
Phone: 513-442-0239
Internet marketing training:
Future Global Vision (ID# 1604):
Se habla espanol.

Marco Abanico is an internet network marketer who teaches other network marketers how to be successful in his business using the power of the internet. He is one of the company’s top distributors of the EF-TABS fuel enhancer tablets. Click the link to buy the tablets.

Marco Abanico

Future Global Vision Distributor

1502 E Kiest Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75216-4515
Phone: 513-442-0239
Internet marketing training:
Future Global Vision (ID# 1604):
Se habla espanol.

Marco Abanico is an internet network marketer who teaches other network marketers how to be successful in his business using the power of the internet. He is one of the company’s top distributors of the EF-TABS fuel enhancer tablets. Click the link to buy the tablets.

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